The burden of Merit…We can’t get religious enough. We can’t be good enough. We cannot do better for God. Jesus did it for us. 

“The fact is that sin is a bigger disaster than we think it is and grace is more amazing than we seem to be able to grasp that it is. No one who really understands what Scripture has to say about the comprehensive, every-aspect-of-your-personhood altering nature of sin would ever think that anyone could muster enough motivation and strength to rise to God’s standard of perfection. The thought that any fallen human being would be able to perform his or her way into acceptance with God has to be the most insane of all delusions. Yet we all tend to think that we are more righteous than we are, and when we think this, we have taken the first step to embracing the delusion that maybe we’re not so bad in God’s eyes after all.”   Paul Tripp

  1. You better pray everyday
  2. You better read your Bible every day.
  3. You better join the choir, teach Sunday school, be a missionary, or do some kind of ministry.
  4. You better tithe.
  5. You better be at Church every time the door was open. (This one was easy because my Dad was a Pastor.)

 So, if you are out there trying to earn your way into relationship with God it is a burden that you need not carry and when you realize this Truth it is actually a relief. Then you can start to actually do and say the things that please God by letting His Spirit live in you.

It can be a rough ride and not a pretty sight, but Jesus did not come and die for us because it was comfortable or pretty. He did it because he understood and still understands that it is HE who brings life from sin and death, and it is Jesus in you that will produce “good works and fruit.”

Your behavior will change because Jesus transforms our hearts and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, the hands serve, and the love overflows. I know, because I spent years trying to be good enough and failed and then as I lay all of that down I began to change.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

The Burden of Anger

Nostrils flaring like a dirt pawing Bull

oxygen to a flame it boils in its cauldron.

Feeding the raging fire it utterly consumes

annihilation of all in its path Anger has taken root.


The burden of Anger like a ton of bricks on your back

As it scalds  your eyelids and your face is marred.

Anger screams , “you deserve justice and I will give it!”

 yet it is only you who is poisoned and you who goes black.


Three words…

…all civilizations, and ages both on earth and heaven hinges on them
…they profoundly transform those who hear, say, and believe them
…they annihilate shame, guilt, burden, loneliness,depression, and death
…they provide supernatural joy, freedom, and hope
…they expose and destroy all lies, suffering, and evil
…they hold all the mysteries of creation, time, and purpose
…they drag “lies” kicking and screaming into the light and banish darkness
…they wreak havoc on all evil authority and authenticity
…they redefine success and sincerity and sacrifice
…they are immediately understood and leave their mark when spoken
…they hold in their meaning all beginnings and endings
Three words…
“He is Risen”

These words of prayer…

The bowels of the earth are thundering.

There is no longer safety in the past. There never was.

These words of prayer are for God. I know they please Him.

“…on earth as it is in heaven…”

There is only strength to take one moment at a time.

“…give us this day our daily bread…

We have been caught unaware of fragility like a vapor in the mist.

My shield of Faith feels like a furnace because all the earth is on fire and no water to be found.

Yet I am keenly aware of the scent of flowers, grass, and dirt.

“… deliver us from evil…”

…for thine is the glory forever and ever…”

God does not slumber. Jesus is Risen. His Love never fails.
