Sweetest Hallelujah



photo of child s hand playing clay

Photo by Kate Romeo

These small child’s hand prints on my glass backdoor

the sticky applesauce and popsicle on my kitchen floor

I wouldn’t trade for all the mansions in this world.


These conversations with my daughters

the new territories in this journey

I wouldn’t miss for all the fame this world could offer


These days I count as precious gems

to the road that leads me found the bend

I will simply give my sweetest Hallelujah


brown book page

Photo by Wendy van Zyl 


There are no new words that I can write

No way to change the world tonight

I can feel a sadness coming round again

Trying to take me someplace I’ve already been


I am just calling it what it is

The way God made me, I am a child of His

When loneliness visits and friends don’t call

It is best not to compromise the Truth at all


Contentment is not happy and sad is not depressed

I’m still so far from wisdom, always was I guess

This melancholy often drives me to my knees

It is just the way God made me, I am a child of His

White Sky

white feathers illustration

Photo by Aleksandr Slobodianyk


The galaxies in the Night’s heaven are like living poetry

Your beautiful idea happening right in front of me

The air is clear and crisp in a season of knowing

Joy and grief, tears and smiles the evidence of living

Love falling down like white feathers all around 

I cherish your gifts to me Oh God, I see you in utter Holiness

grave love — A Writer’s Soul




silhouette of graves

Photo by Micael Widell

The puddles in the street were the color of lead

These tastes and shapes of words spoken among the living and the dead

Night jasmine dances under an indigo sky

I stand here crying over the grave where we died

We could have had it all, been something envied and grand

But our chaos took over letting us fade away into our self made wasteland,
I mourn you , us, and everything we never could never be,

And all that is left are the graveyards of a failed love, leaving nothing of you,

and little left of me.


This poem was written in collaboration by my self and the talented Kristen. Check out her site at A Writer’s Soul



Drift off into the opioid of sabotage…


grey cliff beside ocean

Photo by Simon Clayton

Do not let me go to sleep and drift off into the opioid of sabotage

Sin and persistent failures a cunning addiction 

I grow weary of all the brutal truth of how one must guard the deep longing of their heart

For I wander high upon the cliff and the sea glistens enchanted below

I envy your assurance but  find mine for my self

Though I am anxious to arrive I wish the journey to an end

A silence I cannot hear whispers of  the Living Water where there are no dangers hidden


“…if you would ask him he would give you living water…(John 4:10)






I Know…


aerial photo of boat on sea

Photo by Pok Rie


I was not your faithful friend

I was not truthful, no

I am not the best daughter, sister, wife, or mother

But I know The One who is all I have not been


The One who is a kind and faithful friend

The One who always tells the Truth, yes

The One who is the best in me that I cannot be

The One who’s is all I have not been


So when you think of how I let you down

And remember the times I did not live in truth

I want you to know that I know

Jesus is The One who is all I have not been