Dawn Treader (a tribute)

aerial photo of water waves

Photo by Magda Ehlers 

She could take no more time looking back.

The Light was brighter and then the brightest.

She heard singing in another language so majestic, and she knew it was the Song of The Highest.

The water clear and sweet and no salt was in the Sea, and every refraction of light shone like jewels.

She knew it was not the Old Earth any longer.

No shadows or darkness could still linger.

She threw off her sword  for there was no need of weapons

She was in the King’s Country at last!

Exposed and Authentic

brown sand

Photo by Miri on Pexels.com


The salty air lay thick upon my skin.

Laughter in the village sings so sweetly.

Never does a hard day meet me here,

when I walk by the sea in God’s keeping.


This beach helps me see outside of my self,

and find The One who is the Hope of all things.

Exposed and authentic the waves hit my feet,

with no fear of the dance tomorrow will surely bring.


I will sing in this His cathedral

of sky and sand and sea.

I praise The Holy One who cannot be undone

and give thanks as He walks here with me.

When Coca-Cola only came in a bottle

photo of person holding bottle

Photo by alleksana


When Coca-Cola only came in a bottle

now seems like halcyon days in my mind.

I know there is no such thing as the good old days,

still it was the simplest of times.

We had one car families and all walked to school,

time moved slower because it had to.

There was not such a rush to grow up and move on.

The days were full and the nighttime warm.

When Coca-Cola only came in a bottle

all was right in my world.


A Little Girl Who Loves Books

book girl grass hat

Photo by Pixabay 


The Cheshire Cat’s moonshine smiles white.

The Hobbit’s Shire sends  a woodsmoked sunrise.

The Midnight Cowgirl still rides wild and high.

Treasure Island’s  grand Osprey weaves and glides.

The great Lion Aslan’s shadow still comforts me.

The Little Women sisters all still speak to me.

All these childhood stories are pages in my mind.

A little girl who loves books still lives inside.

In the Middle of this Young Girl’s Dream

action background blur bottles

Photo by Pixabay


I want to stay next time

Don’t wake me up from my young girl’s dream

It is a place that I love and call home

This dream carries me in my older days

a special place where my soul has flown


In the middle of this young girl’s dream

all the ones I love never have to leave and

sometimes when the world is unkind

There is only Joy like the Sun’s glow

It warms my hands and soul as I am growing  old





Sweetest Hallelujah



photo of child s hand playing clay

Photo by Kate Romeo

These small child’s hand prints on my glass backdoor

the sticky applesauce and popsicle on my kitchen floor

I wouldn’t trade for all the mansions in this world.


These conversations with my daughters

the new territories in this journey

I wouldn’t miss for all the fame this world could offer


These days I count as precious gems

to the road that leads me found the bend

I will simply give my sweetest Hallelujah

Sunshine (a poem by me in high school)


background beam beautiful close up

Photo by Pixabay 

Sunshine stay with me a while I haven’t had you for so long

You are gentle and make me laugh and sing a happy song

We will not speak of love unless it should happen to grow

We will just run and play,  you are a shelter from the cold

You are just the thing I need to help me heal again

There is no way of knowing if we will ever end

Sunshine stay with me a while we will both be free

You are just the thing I need, you let me be me

My writing is a dialogue with my self…that might spill over into your life…

I have come to see that most of this need to write is a dialogue with my self in which I sort out, define, and narrate my beliefs, my perceptions, and my life…

When my Mom recently passed away I used writing as a tool to grieve, mourn, and rejoice. I use words to give Praise to God who, by faith I believe in and trust. I use writing to rail against injustice and to also humble my self that I don’t have a right to judge anyone. I have always loved The written word.

scribbles on wall

Photo by Jimmy Chan

The power of The Word that put on flesh are the words that I hold most dear. This Word lives and moves and creates and forgives and heals…

I recently have been thinking about the divide in the Church regarding the inerrant Word of God and how each believer must make their stand regarding the Bible being wholly literal or not. I know it is literal and inerrant…

In our flesh we can use the Bible and make it say something it doesn’t. For example taking the word “submission” and turning it into a way to manipulate and control others but in the context of the whole character of God and His Word Jesus clearly examples for us that submission to His Father  was based on honor and glory with humility. What a difference context makes.

Sometimes there are no words for me to express the profound treasures of life but I like the challenge of attempting to anyway.  Perhaps in heaven I will be allowed to write Psalms and poems to worship Jesus with…

My motivation and passion is to connect with others by something I see or have experienced and put such descriptive words on paper the the reader will feel that they are not alone in their story…

So whether it really matters in the big picture I don’t know but using words to speak life is exactly what Jesus did… ” and the  Word became flesh and dwelt among us! My word for that is Hallelujah! ”





Summer Sun

selective focus photography of grass

Photo by Jens Mahnke 


The summer sun is baking the side walks and streets.
The Texas horizon looks like a melting mirage.
Summer solstice has arrived and a few things never change.
Even in the shade it is one hundred degrees.
My grandchildren have begun their love affair with the sprinkler and popsicles.
In the backyard with their parents.
And wonderful cool sheets for an afternoon nap.
And all is right with my world today and I am grateful.